Seeing Leeds through the eyes of a refugee. I love stories. Whether it’s through reading books, watching films, seeing plays, listening to podcasts… you name it. I love hearing about people’s different experiences and perspectives. Last weekend I got to… Continue Reading →
…but didn’t get round to it. Woops! This stuff happened (I didn’t manage to go to any of them, but meant to at least promote them on the Loving Leeds Blog Facebook page!): Live at Leeds (May) – an annual… Continue Reading →
I spotted on Leeds-List that the Everyman Cinema in Trinity Leeds was showing the Audrey Hepburn classic Breakfast at Tiffany’s with a bottomless brunch and entertainment beforehand. Knowing that my friend Sam is a massive fan of the film (her… Continue Reading →
Gin has been kind of a Big Deal the last couple of years. Everywhere I go I see new gins on offer, gin infusion bars, gin merchandise… But guess what – I DON’T LIKE THE STUFF! Blurgh. No thanks. What… Continue Reading →
I went to the Deer Park pub & restaurant last year for a friend’s birthday and thought it was very good. (You know I must have liked it because it made it on to the blog.) When I received an… Continue Reading →
Regular readers of the Loving Leeds Blog may have spotted that my content is quite heavy on both the arts and culture scene, and equally so on food and drink. A blog post mentioning any kind of sporting activity is… Continue Reading →
I was delighted to be invited to the Press Night of Hamlet at Leeds Playhouse on Tuesday. It’s the first production I’ve seen in the pop-up theatre as The Playhouse undergoes its major redevelopment. Hamlet isn’t my favourite Shakespeare play… Continue Reading →
Oh how I love a literature festival, even more so when it’s in your own city! So of course I was excited to see that Leeds is hosting its very own festival this year. Leeds Lit Fest is taking place… Continue Reading →
So you may have seen the news last June that the West Yorkshire Playhouse has rebranded and is now Leeds Playhouse, marking the start of its major redevelopment. The changes to the building will see “a new city-facing entrance, improved… Continue Reading →
It was my birthday yesterday and I’d chosen to take the day off work to have a bit of a “me” day. The birthday celebrations had actually officially started a little earlier on Saturday, when James and I went for… Continue Reading →
I know a lot of people who have a lean January; they go on a diet, give up alcohol, or cut out complete food groups. I do not do this. January is miserable enough without denying yourself treats. I carry… Continue Reading →
I started writing this blog because a) I wanted to shout about all the great things going on in Leeds so that other people could find out about them and b) because I really enjoy writing. This blog is a… Continue Reading →
I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to give a little thought as to what my “intentions” are for the year ahead. (It’s the same thing really, but in my mind, I can’t break an… Continue Reading →
For those of you who haven’t heard of it, Go Ape! is a tree-top adventure with various locations throughout the UK. If you’ve got a head for heights and like activities that involve your feet off the ground, it’s a… Continue Reading →
I love going to the theatre at anytime of year, but it always feels extra special to go around Christmas. I know for some of you it may be far too early to start thinking about Christmas, but there are… Continue Reading →
If you’re from Yorkshire, it’s likely that you will have visited the award-winning children’s museum Eureka! at least once. You will probably have very fond memories of the place, and will be able to recall favourite parts of the museum,… Continue Reading →
It was always my intention when JJ was born to get his hand or foot print taken so I could look back in years to come and marvel at how small he once was. A year has gone by already… Continue Reading →
Let me start by saying that Babyccinos is not in Leeds. It’s not even an LS postcode. There’s no Leeds link that I can try shoehorn in, but because it’s That Good, I’m blogging about it anyway. Besides, as Babyccinos… Continue Reading →
On 27th October there’s a family-friendly festival taking place at Open Source Arts, Kirkstall Road, raising money for Women’s Aid. It sounds like it’ll be a fun day, all for a very worthy charity, so I thought I’d share the… Continue Reading →
You know how I love Leeds, and I love Opera North, and I love singing? Well it will come as no surprise then that I love the sound of “ON After Hours: Northern Lights”, an Opera North singing programme that’s… Continue Reading →
I was sent some information last month about an exhibition in Leeds City Museum that celebrates 40 faces of St Gemma’s Hospice in the charity’s 40th anniversary year. My intention was to go and have a look round the exhibition… Continue Reading →
I was contacted recently by Funzing, an organisation that is here “to re-invent your evenings, creating an exciting alternative to having a drink in your local pub or bar. Funzing Talks pull together an impressive array of leading entrepreneurs, intellectuals, bright… Continue Reading →
I can’t believe I’ve lived in this house for four years and have only just discovered Middleton Park, which is practically on my doorstep. The only thing I really missed after moving from Wakefield was having somewhere nice to walk… Continue Reading →
I can just about remember the White Rose Shopping Centre opening when I was a kid, and although I didn’t know what a big deal it was at the time, I do remember being excited about trips to a new… Continue Reading →
I was walking along Park Row a few weeks ago with a group of friends, and noticed signs for the new Indian Tiffin Room where Wagamamas used to be. We all commented on how inviting it looked, so when I… Continue Reading →
One of the topics I’ve been meaning to blog about for ages is the amazing literary scene going on in Leeds at the moment. There are so many different festivals and workshops taking place that I’ve been quite overwhelmed and… Continue Reading →
I have so many ideas for blog posts but just never seem able to get round to writing them. I thought I’d try save myself a bit of time by combining some together! Here’s a very brief overview of some… Continue Reading →
So here’s my second and final blog post about my experience of taking part in The Lucky Ones. Two things to know before you read on: If you read my first blog post and decided you’d like to take part in… Continue Reading →
The perfect ratio of heart-warming and heart-wrenching for a feel good musical. I wanted to see Sunshine on Leith when the film came out but never got round to it. I knew it was a stage musical before becoming a… Continue Reading →
In the same way that I probably spend as much time browsing books to buy as I do reading them, I probably spend as much time leafing through theatre brochures and websites as I do actually watching shows. I love… Continue Reading →
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