Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


February 2018

Still Alice at the West Yorkshire Playhouse

An emotionally dramatic production showing there can be light in the darkness Having enjoyed readingย Still Alice a couple of years ago (as much as you can enjoy reading about something so sad) I was pleased to see that The West… Continue Reading →

Just des(s)erts

Saying I have a sweet tooth is an understatement. I love chocolate. And biscuits. And milkshakes. And ice-cream. And cake. Don’t forget about cake. I love December, not because of Christmas, but because you can eat chocolate first thing in… Continue Reading →

Brunching with babies

There aren’t many places that can accommodate 17 adults, eight babies and all their accompanying paraphernalia for brunch, but luckily Leeds’ Revolucion de Cuba is up for the job. The antenatal class I went to had a reunion recently, which… Continue Reading →

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