Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district



Introducing kids to cricket

Regular readers of the Loving Leeds Blog may have spotted that my content is quite heavy on both the arts and culture scene, and equally so on food and drink. A blog post mentioning any kind of sporting activity is… Continue Reading →

Checking in with my core

Nine months of being pregnant is hard work – particularly those last few months when you have such a heavy bump and start to really feel the strain on your back. The toll on your body doesn’t end once you’ve… Continue Reading →

Treating my pregnant self

In true Han style, I’ve been ridiculously busy the last few months (mainly enjoyable stuff!) but have decided that at 33 weeks pregnant, now might be a good time to start slowing down and thinking more about what my body… Continue Reading →

We Are Wellness

After attending a class at the We Are Wellness centre and having signed up for a few more, it was my intention to write a blog post about this beautiful building and all the great-sounding classes that were on. However,… Continue Reading →

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