Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


January 2019

Seasonal tasting menus at Home

I know a lot of people who have a lean January; they go on a diet, give up alcohol, or cut out complete food groups. I do not do this. January is miserable enough without denying yourself treats. I carry… Continue Reading →

How acting classes can improve your wellbeing and career

I started writing this blog because a) I wanted to shout about all the great things going on in Leeds so that other people could find out about them and b) because I really enjoy writing. This blog is a… Continue Reading →

#LeedsByExample – living with less plastic

I’m not really one for New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to give a little thought as to what my “intentions” are for the year ahead. (It’s the same thing really, but in my mind, I can’t break an… Continue Reading →

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