Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


May 2018

Fictions of Every Kind

One of the topics I’ve been meaning to blog about for ages is the amazing literary scene going on in Leeds at the moment. There are so many different festivals and workshops taking place that I’ve been quite overwhelmed and… Continue Reading →

A gastro pub in Roundhay, a cafe in the city centre and a Mediterranean restaurant in Weetwood

I have so many ideas for blog posts but just never seem able to get round to writing them. I thought I’d try save myself a bit of time by combining some together! Here’s a very brief overview of some… Continue Reading →

What have I got myself into?? – Part 2

So here’s my second and final blog post about my experience of taking part in The Lucky Ones. Twoย things to know before you read on: If you read my first blog post and decided you’d like to take part in… Continue Reading →

Sunshine on Leith at The West Yorkshire Playhouse

The perfect ratio of heart-warming and heart-wrenching for a feel good musical. I wanted to see Sunshine on Leith when the film came out but never got round to it. I knew it was a stage musical before becoming a… Continue Reading →

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