Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district



Tales of a city

Seeing Leeds through the eyes of a refugee. I love stories. Whether it’s through reading books, watching films, seeing plays, listening to podcasts… you name it. I love hearing about people’s different experiences and perspectives. Last weekend I got to… Continue Reading →

Swing through the trees at Temple Newsam

For those of you who haven’t heard of it, Go Ape! is a tree-top adventure with various locations throughout the UK. If you’ve got a head for heights and like activities that involve your feet off the ground, it’s a… Continue Reading →

Escaping the city in Middleton Park

I can’t believe I’ve lived in this house for four years and have only just discovered Middleton Park, which is practically on my doorstep. The only thing I really missed after moving from Wakefield was having somewhere nice to walk… Continue Reading →

Upcoming: Light Night 2017

It’s that time of year again when Leeds is lit up with a variety of creative and impressive light and art installations. Leeds Light Night is returning for its 13th year and is once again taking place over two evenings… Continue Reading →

Catching a killer

Having enjoyed other treasure hunts around Leeds, and knowing how much my friend Chloe likes a good murder mystery, I was pretty excited to see an event advertised on Facebook for a city-wide manhunt, promoted as a cross between Cluedo and PokemonGo!… Continue Reading →

Upcoming: Sound stones at the Sculpture Park

The Yorkshire Sculpture Park has been on my list of places to blog about for ages. Just a short distance from Leeds, it’s one of West Yorkshire’s best attractions and somewhere I like to take friends when they come to… Continue Reading →

Going on a treasure hunt

I’ve been on two treasure hunts in Leeds – both very different and lots of fun. One is more suitable for families, smaller groups and uses a traditional pen and paper approach, and the other is better for larger, older… Continue Reading →

Pre-baby bucket list

My life is going to drastically change later this year as I’m expecting my first baby in October. Although I’m determined to still be sociable and attempt to leave the house, I know that long gone are the days where… Continue Reading →

March for Men

The team at Prostate Cancer UK got in touch with me recently to tell me about their search for walkers in Leeds to take part in their “March for Men”. March for Men brings people together to celebrate the lives… Continue Reading →

8 reasons to go to Roundhay Park

Roundhay Park is in north Leeds and is apparently one of the biggest city parks in Europe. There are plenty of things to love about Roundhay Park, so I’ve made a list of a few of them here: It’s a… Continue Reading →

From Leeds to Liverpool – A walk along the canal

I had a lovely day in Leeds on Saturday, despite it not going quite as I had planned. My intention was to go to the Leeds Waterfront Festival and watch the dragon and junk boat races. The plan was to leisurely… Continue Reading →

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