Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


April 2016

Music, food and literature festivals

Most people will have heard of Leeds festival, the annual music festival held over August bank holiday weekend at Bramham Park, but did you know there’s also a city musical festival, independent food festival and literature festival, all taking place… Continue Reading →

Dining at Distrikt

If you asked me what I fancied eating for a meal out, tapas would never spring to mind. Too many tomato and garlic rich dishes in big chain restaurants put me off for a while. Luckily, there are a few… Continue Reading →

Sipping cocktails at the Botanist

I was lucky enough to be invited to try out the new cocktail menu at The Botanist on Thursday. The Botanist is a bar and restaurant located at the bottom of Trinity Shopping Centre. As the name suggests, there is a… Continue Reading →

Tick Tock Unlock

Instead of getting each other tangible presents, my friend Lorraine and I buy each other experiences for our birthdays. This year she’d booked us and the James’s in for a game of Tick Tock Unlock – “a simple and exciting real… Continue Reading →

Finally – an arena

Okay, so my title for this blog post is a little misleading as we’ve actually had the First Direct Arena for a few years now, but after waiting for an arena in Leeds for ages, it still feels very new… Continue Reading →

Cake and coffee, waiting for the train

I never seem to get the timing right when I want to catch the train home from Leeds at the weekend and always just miss it by 5 minutes, leaving me with some spare time before my next train arrives…. Continue Reading →

A sneaky experience at Kirkstall Abbey

The last two times I’ve been to Kirkstall Abbey, I’ve been wearing a tie. “That’s quite formal for walking around some ruins” you might be thinking to yourself, and you’d be right. But it wasn’t because I wanted to suit… Continue Reading →

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