Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district



Introducing kids to cricket

Regular readers of the Loving Leeds Blog may have spotted that my content is quite heavy on both the arts and culture scene, and equally so on food and drink. A blog post mentioning any kind of sporting activity is… Continue Reading →

Leeds has a literature festival!

Oh how I love a literature festival, even more so when it’s in your own city! So of course I was excited to see that Leeds is hosting its very own festival this year. Leeds Lit Fest is taking place… Continue Reading →

How acting classes can improve your wellbeing and career

I started writing this blog because a) I wanted to shout about all the great things going on in Leeds so that other people could find out about them and b) because I really enjoy writing. This blog is a… Continue Reading →

ON After Hours: Northern Lights

You know how I love Leeds, and I love Opera North, and I love singing? Well it will come as no surprise then that I love the sound of โ€œON After Hours: Northern Lightsโ€, an Opera North singing programme thatโ€™s… Continue Reading →

Fictions of Every Kind

One of the topics I’ve been meaning to blog about for ages is the amazing literary scene going on in Leeds at the moment. There are so many different festivals and workshops taking place that I’ve been quite overwhelmed and… Continue Reading →

Treating my pregnant self

In true Han style, I’ve been ridiculously busy the last few months (mainly enjoyable stuff!) but have decided that at 33 weeks pregnant, now might be a good time to start slowing down and thinking more about what my body… Continue Reading →

Upcoming: Sound stones at the Sculpture Park

The Yorkshire Sculpture Park has been on my list of places to blog about for ages. Just a short distance from Leeds, it’s one of West Yorkshire’s best attractions and somewhere I like to take friends when they come to… Continue Reading →

Staycation – Days 7 to 11: Learning, shopping and gigging

Day 7 Thursday was quite a fun and unusual evening in Leeds. Both James and I ended up learning about something new. James did his coffee class (which you can read about here!) and I ended up in The Body… Continue Reading →

North Star Coffee Academy: A lesson for coffee lovers

When mum and I visited the Royal Armouries a couple of months ago, we went for a drink at Laynes Espresso in Leeds Dock and noticed that there was a rather impressive coffee roasting machine in the building next door…. Continue Reading →

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