Regular readers of the Loving Leeds Blog may have spotted that my content is quite heavy on both the arts and culture scene, and equally so on food and drink. A blog post mentioning any kind of sporting activity is a little bit rarer.

Well, today’s post is all about… cricket!

Someone got in touch with me recently from the Yorkshire Cricket Board, wanting to promote their All Stars Cricket programme in Leeds. All Stars Cricket is an eight-week introductory cricket program for 5-8 year olds run at Cricket clubs, starting from 10th May.

Over the eight weeks, children will learn: batting, throwing, catching, bowling, running, teamwork communication and the spirt of cricket. The programme organisers say “By registering for All Stars Cricket, your child will be guaranteed eight weeks of jam-packed fun, activity and skills development. The programme is suitable for all children new to cricket and sport as the sessions are designed to teach the basic skills of the game. Every child will earn stars as the weeks progress that match the skills learned during the programme.”

There are 27 clubs in the Leeds region, so hopefully if it’s something you’re interested in, there’ll be one close by.

JJ is far too young for anything like this, but I’m already wondering what sports he’ll be into when he’s older. With two musicians for parents whose hobbies are playing computer games and reading books, we’ll definitely be sending him off to some groups to encourage physical activity and actually learn how to play games that aren’t online!

You can sign up for the 8-week All Stars Cricket course, which starts on 10th May on the website and also visit the Yorkshire All Stars Facebook page for further information.