Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


March 2019

The Gin & Rum Festival is coming to Leeds!

Gin has been kind of a Big Deal the last couple of years. Everywhere I go I see new gins on offer, gin infusion bars, gin merchandise… But guess what – I DON’T LIKE THE STUFF! Blurgh. No thanks. What… Continue Reading →

The grand re-opening of The Deer Park

I went to the Deer Park pub & restaurant last year for a friend’s birthday and thought it was very good. (You know I must have liked it because it made it on to the blog.) When I received an… Continue Reading →

Introducing kids to cricket

Regular readers of the Loving Leeds Blog may have spotted that my content is quite heavy on both the arts and culture scene, and equally so on food and drink. A blog post mentioning any kind of sporting activity is… Continue Reading →

9 thoughts I had after watching “Hamlet” at Leeds Playhouse

I was delighted to be invited to the Press Night of Hamlet at Leeds Playhouse on Tuesday. It’s the first production I’ve seen in the pop-up theatre as The Playhouse undergoes its major redevelopment. Hamlet isn’t my favourite Shakespeare play… Continue Reading →

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