Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district



Painting pottery

It was always my intention when JJ was born to get his hand or foot print taken so I could look back in years to come and marvel at how small he once was. A year has gone by already… Continue Reading →

Babyccinos – the only cafe parents need to visit

Let me start by saying that Babyccinos is not in Leeds. It’s not even an LS postcode. There’s no Leeds link that I can try shoehorn in, but because it’s That Good, I’m blogging about it anyway. Besides, as Babyccinos… Continue Reading →

Escaping the city in Middleton Park

I can’t believe I’ve lived in this house for four years and have only just discovered Middleton Park, which is practically on my doorstep. The only thing I really missed after moving from Wakefield was having somewhere nice to walk… Continue Reading →

Why Iโ€™m always at the White Rose Shopping Centre

I can just about remember the White Rose Shopping Centre opening when I was a kid, and although I didnโ€™t know what a big deal it was at the time, I do remember being excited about trips to a new… Continue Reading →

Brunching with babies

There aren’t many places that can accommodate 17 adults, eight babies and all their accompanying paraphernalia for brunch, but luckily Leeds’ Revolucion de Cuba is up for the job. The antenatal class I went to had a reunion recently, which… Continue Reading →

Checking in with my core

Nine months of being pregnant is hard work – particularly those last few months when you have such a heavy bump and start to really feel the strain on your back. The toll on your body doesn’t end once you’ve… Continue Reading →

It’s a little quiet over here…

You may have noticed that things have been a bit quiet on the blog recently. I have a very good excuse for the lack of posts however – Baby Preston arrived on the 1 October and he’s been keeping us… Continue Reading →

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