I can’t believe I’ve lived in this house for four years and have only just discovered Middleton Park, which is practically on my doorstep.

The only thing I really missed after moving from Wakefield was having somewhere nice to walk nearby (Wakefield boasts both New Millerdam and Pugneys – lovely places to walk) so I was really pleased to find Middleton Park after a friend recommended it.

Middleton Park is just five minutes from the White Rose Shopping Centre and is a wonderful outdoor space. It has a lake, which you can fish in; tennis courts; a bowling green; a children’s play area; a band stand; plenty of different routes for walking, running or cycling; rose gardens; fields; a cafe and even a railway.

Lake in the sunshine in Middleton Park

It’s perfect for all seasons. I started visiting the park at the beginning of the year when we had all the snow, but still enjoyed wandering along the paths. I enjoyed it even more during spring when the gorgeous bluebells were out. It’s been lovely to walk around the lake in the sun over the past couple of months, and I’ve been grateful for the shaded paths amongst the cool dark trees when it’s been too hot this summer. I’m sure it will be a gorgeous place to visit in autumn too, once the leaves start turning orange and brown.

The park is maintained by Leeds City Council’s Parks and Countryside Service and supported by a group of volunteers called The Friends Of Middleton Park. They run events in the park every weekend between May and September and on other selected days throughout the year. There’s been music every Sunday throughout summer and they had a theatre company performing The Tempest just the other week. There are also nature and photography tours, park runs, and Buggy Fit classes. It has a car park right next to the main attractions, but also plenty of street parking if there aren’t enough spaces.

Every time I go for a walk in the park, I end up taking a different route and still don’t quite know my way around. (I normally start to realise I don’t know where I am after I’ve been walking for what seems like forever up a long hill!) There are loads of different paths for me still to explore.

I hope to make it to one of the summer events soon and intend on making the most of the good weather by meeting friends here for picnics. A lovely way to escape the city and enjoy a bit of nature!

You can find out what’s coming up in the park from the Friends of Middleton Park Facebook page.