Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


October 2018

Late nights at Eureka!

If you’re from Yorkshire, it’s likely that you will have visited the award-winning children’s museum Eureka! at least once. You will probably have very fond memories of the place, and will be able to recall favourite parts of the museum,… Continue Reading →

Painting pottery

It was always my intention when JJ was born to get his hand or foot print taken so I could look back in years to come and marvel at how small he once was. A year has gone by already… Continue Reading →

Babyccinos – the only cafe parents need to visit

Let me start by saying that Babyccinos is not in Leeds. It’s not even an LS postcode. There’s no Leeds link that I can try shoehorn in, but because it’s That Good, I’m blogging about it anyway. Besides, as Babyccinos… Continue Reading →

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