Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


March 2017

March for Men

The team at Prostate Cancer UK got in touch with me recently to tell me about their search for walkers in Leeds to take part in their “March for Men”. March for Men brings people together to celebrate the lives… Continue Reading →

Eating at Ox Club

Ox Club has been on my list of restaurants to try for a while now. It’s located in Headrow House, the four-floored bar, restaurant and events space, run by the same guys behind Belgrave Music Hall. You know what a… Continue Reading →

10 things you didn’t know about the Yorkshire Air Ambulance

I work near Leeds General Infirmary and so often see the air ambulances flying near by, bringing in those who need urgent medical care. Whenever I see one of the yellow helicopters, it always makes me feel really thankful that my… Continue Reading →

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