Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


Roundhay Park

The grand re-opening of The Deer Park

I went to the Deer Park pub & restaurant last year for a friend’s birthday and thought it was very good. (You know I must have liked it because it made it on to the blog.) When I received an… Continue Reading →

March for Men

The team at Prostate Cancer UK got in touch with me recently to tell me about their search for walkers in Leeds to take part in their “March for Men”. March for Men brings people together to celebrate the lives… Continue Reading →

Magical Lanterns in Leeds

In a recent blog post about Roundhay Park, I’d mentioned that I was looking forward to going toย the upcoming Magical Lantern Festival. As it turns out, I know a guy who knows a guy, so was lucky enough to get… Continue Reading →

8 reasons to go to Roundhay Park

Roundhay Park is in north Leeds and is apparently one of the biggest city parks in Europe. There are plenty of things to love about Roundhay Park, so I’ve made a list of a few of them here: It’s a… Continue Reading →

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