Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


patty smith’s

An example of an excellent weekend in Leeds

This is a short blog post as I’ve actually already written about all the events I want to mention (click the links below to read the previous posts). I just wanted to give a “real life” example of what a… Continue Reading →

Chef – the experience

One of mine and James’ favourite films isย Chef. Nothing much really happens in it – it’s just a really cute film.ย The main character is a chef ย (hence the title) who is creatively stifled in his restaurant job, and ends up… Continue Reading →

Feasting at the Belgrave

Yesterday I went to the Belgrave’s monthly feast – one of my favourite things to do in Leeds. The Belgrave Music Hall and Canteen is located on Cross Belgrave Street, near Sandinista and across the road from Mojo. (Road names… Continue Reading →

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