Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


Leeds Grand

Christmas in Leeds: A trip to the theatre

I love going to the theatre at anytime of year, but it always feels extra special to go around Christmas. I know for some of you it may be far too early to start thinking about Christmas, but there are… Continue Reading →

A weekend with Opera North

Last weekend I got to experience a double helping of Opera North as I went to see L’elisir d’amore on Friday evening at The Grand and then the Orchestra of Opera North play The Best from the West End at the Town… Continue Reading →

A night at the opera

One of the things I love most about Leeds is its impressive arts and culture scene. The city is home to Opera North – “England’s national opera company in the North and one of Europe’s leading arts organisations.” “…Opera North is a… Continue Reading →

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