Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district



Staycation – Days 7 to 11: Learning, shopping and gigging

Day 7 Thursday was quite a fun and unusual evening in Leeds. Both James and I ended up learning about something new. James did his coffee class (which you can read about here!) and I ended up in The Body… Continue Reading →

North Star Coffee Academy: A lesson for coffee lovers

When mum and I visited the Royal Armouries a couple of months ago, we went for a drink at Laynes Espresso in Leeds Dock and noticed that there was a rather impressive coffee roasting machine in the building next door…. Continue Reading →

Visiting The Royal Armouries

Now that winter’s drawing in and the days are shorter (and a whole lot wetter) I’ve been thinking about some of the indoor activities you can do in Leeds. The first thing that springs to mind is The Royal Armouries –… Continue Reading →

Cake and coffee, waiting for the train

I never seem to get the timing right when I want to catch the train home from Leeds at the weekend and always just miss it by 5 minutes, leaving me with some spare time before my next train arrives…. Continue Reading →

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