Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district


corn exchange

Spending my birthday in Leeds

It was my birthday yesterday and I’d chosen to take the day off work to have a bit of a “me” day. The birthday celebrations had actually officially started a little earlier on Saturday, when James and I went for… Continue Reading →

“A trail of art, light and magic”

Throughout December, there have been a number of installations across Leeds as part of Leeds Bid‘s “Christmas in Leeds” project. The trail is made up of 15 different art and light installations, created by various artists and organisations. My intention was to… Continue Reading →

Bossa – Bring me the meat!

You might have gathered from previous blog entries that James and I aren’t exactly vegetarians. We like our meat served with a side of meat, so when I heard that there was a new Brazilian restaurant – Bossa – opening… Continue Reading →

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