Loving Leeds Blog

A glimpse into some of the amazing things going on in the district



Lovin’ Livin’ Italy

Livin’ Italyย –ย an Italian restaurant, bar and deli on Granary Wharf – has been on my list to blog about for a while, but I was saving it for a round-up of best places to go for breakfast in Leeds. I… Continue Reading →

Staycation – Days 2 to 4: breakfast and music

Our second official “staycation” day was Saturday, James’ birthday. When it’s my birthday, James makes me blueberry pancakes in bed; when it’s James’ birthday, I take him out for breakfast. I can barely make toast, so going out is preferable… Continue Reading →

Treat yo’self at Trinity

One of my favourite TV shows is Parks and Recreation. In it, two characters – Tom and Donna – have an annual “Treat Yo’Self” day. A day of indulgence where it’s all about what you want, not what you need…. Continue Reading →

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