There aren’t many places that can accommodate 17 adults, eight babies and all their accompanying paraphernalia for brunch, but luckily Leeds’ Revolucion de Cuba is up for the job.

The antenatal class I went to had a reunion recently, which was organised a few months ago before any of the babies had arrived. I had suggested we go to Revolucion de Cuba, knowing that it was pretty spacious, but was slightly apprehensive on the day about whether it would be suitable or not as there are so many things you don’t think about before you’re a parent! Thankfully, we all managed to fit in easily and had a great time cooing over the babies.

Here are a few things to consider if you’re planning on going here as a large group with babies:

  • Ring ahead to book the tables beforehand and let the staff know you’ll be in a large group with prams so they can ensure you’ve got a space big enough. We were sat on the row of tables straight ahead as you go in which had plenty of room to park the prams nearby.
  • There are a couple of steps in to the venue which aren’t a problem if you’re with someone else, but might make it a little bit of a struggle if you’re on your own with a pram.
  • They have some high chairs so it’s suitable for if you want to bring older siblings too.
  • Go early – we went when it opened at 10.30am which meant it was nice and quiet and we weren’t in anyone’s way.
  • There’s a changing room on the same floor. Although I didn’t use it, friends commented that it was fine – spacious but a little cold for the babies and the bins hadn’t been emptied which was a bit disappointing seeing as we were the first in.
  • Although it can be a pain for the serving staff, it works quite well if you order separately rather than all at the same time. As the meals come out at different times this way (normally annoying when you go out without children) those not eating can hold the babies whilst those with food eat and then have the favour returned. (I actually got to eat my food with two hands and whilst it was still hot!)
  • You can also pay for your meal when you go up to order. Normally this isn’t a big issue but it’s handy when all the babies start crying and you want to make a swift exit!
  • I went for the breakfast burrito, and like last time, it was delicious and kept me full for the whole day, so make sure you go with a big appetite!

We had a really lovely time catching up with everyone and meeting the babies. It’s the first time I’ve been to Revolucion de Cuba without drinking any rum, but it turns out even without the alcohol it’s a pretty good place to go.


Access: You can’t park right outside but there are car parks nearby. It’s close to  bus stops and the train station. There are a couple of steps into the building.

Space: Plenty of space for prams if you get the right seating area.

Changing facilities: On the same floor as the eating area.

Staff: Friendly (took some good pictures for us!). Probably would have been better prepared if we’d rung ahead.

Atmosphere: Not a baby place. Perfectly fine to take kids along when meeting friends but it’s not designed or marketed towards families.