This is a short blog post as I’ve actually already written about all the events I want to mention (click the links below to read the previous posts). I just wanted to give a “real life” example of what a fun weekend you can have in Leeds.

On Saturday, I’m going to be going to The Wet Spot – the monthly burlesque and cabaret night held at Belgrave Music Hall. I’ve been a few times before, although this will be the first time I’ll be watching the show completely sober! The acts have all been brilliant (even the awkward ones!) each time I’ve been, and as this upcoming show celebrates the 10th anniversary of The Wet Spot, I’m sure it won’t disappoint. We’ll probably go a little earlier too so we can grab a slice of Dough Boys pizza or a reuben burger from Patti Smith’s, and maybe a fancy cocktail (cocktail) from Blind Tyger afterwards.

The following evening, I’m managing to squeeze two different events in. First, I’ll be going to listen to The Accordion at Lambert’s Yard. I’m looking forward to listening to a concert featuring music (and an instrument) that I’m not that familiar with, and also going to a new venue.

Straight after that, I’ll be heading back to Belgrave to take part in “Chef: The Experience“. This is one of many events taking place during Leeds Indie Food Festival. James and I went last year and absolutely loved it. Numerous dishes all brought to you as you watch a brilliant film. What’s not to love!